Sunday, January 8, 2012

Psychologists Speak Out on Effect of Trauma on Challenging 9/11 Government Narrative

The following video presents a number of psychologists speaking about the psychological effects of witnessing the 9/11 tragedy, and how the effects of trauma intersect the problem of "hearing information that confronts our world-view." The cognitive dissonance (fear and anxiety) that confronts Americans as they consider the extent to which their government has lied to them on this very distressing topic has near paralyzed political discussion of what really happened on 9/11.


  1. We're all suffering from this (note, I mean all sides, both good, and the bad): "how the effects of trauma intersect the problem of "hearing information that confronts our world-view." The cognitive dissonance (fear and anxiety) that confronts Americans."

    None of us trust one another, any longer, thereby taking to extreme measures to literally wipe each other off the face of the once good earth. Sadly.

  2. You're a truther? Say it ain't so, Jeffery! We all have our blind spots, but this too much. I just can't process that someone I respect could believe in this stuff. It's like half of me wants to believe everything you post, and the other half doesn't want to believe any of it! Oh, what should I do? (besides see a board certified psychologist)
