Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Assange Frame-up

Over at Counterpunch, Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett have a new article that demolishes the contrived "rape" case against Julian Assange of Wikileaks. They've done their research and found CIA connections to one of the women involved, not to mention the reasons the Swedish government may have saluted so quickly a sign from their U.S. allies. It's strange that Assange, who knew the U.S. would be trying to set him up, fell for the classic "honey trap" ploy. But then, that's why state spook agencies keep using it... it works so often. One can't hold it against him.

Let's hope Mr. Assange slips this trap of opportunists, U.S. character assassins, old Cold War assets looking for a new job, and just plain liars, and is back at work soon doing what he does best, helping expose criminal activity among the governments of this world.

From the Counterpunch article:
Julian Assange now stands accused of: (1) not calling a young woman the day after he had enjoyed a night with her, (2) asking her to pay for his bus ticket, (3) having unsafe sex, and (4) participating in two brief affairs in the course of one week. These four minor charges, worthy of Leopold Bloom’s mock trial in the Nightown chapter in Ulysses, have been shaken and fermented until they were able to cook up a half-baked rape case!....

* The pseudo-progressive organization Reporters Sans Frontières attacked Assange for endangering the lives of innocent American secret agents in Afghanistan. Despite its ‘leftist’ terminology, RSF is a private organization drawing funds from US government sources aiming to destabilize Cuba. It is connected to Cuban émigrés in Miami.

* Anna Ardin (the official complainant) is often described by the media as a “leftist”. She has ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups. She published her anti-Castro diatribes (see here and here) in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas put out by Misceláneas de Cuba. From Oslo, Professor Michael Seltzer points out that this periodical is the product of a well-financed anti-Castro organization in Sweden.

Read the entire article. H/T to Rixstep and tehranchik at Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeff,

    Not so sanguine about Shamir's piece, although it has some useful information. The entire picture re: assange matter is so muddy now it seems impossible to gain a clear picture. not least of these muddying factors is the horrible unsourced reporting and the irrational behavior of SPA prosecutors. wtf.
