Tuesday, April 14, 2009

An EFF Appeal to "Fight Back Against Wiretapping Cover-up"

I received this fund-raising appeal from Electronic Frontier Foundation, and thought it worthy of greater coverage.
In a stunning reversal, the Obama Administration has decided to continue the cover-up of the Bush Administration's warrantless wiretapping program. EFF has been fighting to hold the government and telcos accountable for this illegal surveillance since 2005. Now, the Obama Administration is asking a court to throw out our latest lawsuit challenging the NSA's dragnet spying, this one against the government directly. This attempt to shield the surveillance program from court scrutiny is a stark reminder that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, no matter who is sitting in the Oval Office.

Please help EFF in the ongoing fight for accountability:

The Obama Administration is arguing that the wiretapping program is a "state secret" and that the courts are barred from ever judging its legality. Even worse, they're arguing that under the PATRIOT Act, the United States government possesses complete "sovereign immunity" against lawsuits for spying that violates federal privacy laws. It's a shocking argument that even the Bush Administration never made.
EFF cannot fight this alone. Over 70% of EFF's funding comes from individuals like you. Please lend your support to our ongoing efforts to secure accountability from the government, end the warrantless surveillance, and deliver justice to the countless ordinary Americans caught in the NSA's surveillance net!
Help support this worthy effort!

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