Friday, March 30, 2007

"American Torture" Website an Important Resource

For those who are amateur researchers on the subject of torture, or simply want to read deeply into the subject, there is no better resource on the net than Michael Otterman's American Torture.

I am especially impressed by his inclusion of links to many PDF documents. Below are some descriptions of a few of the many documents he has collected.

Interrogation of Suspects Under Arrest
Declassified 1958 article from the CIA journal, Studies In Intelligence. Written by Don Compos, this article can be read as an early blueprint for the interrogation system employed by the CIA and US armed forces in the war on terror - a regime engineered to elicit debility, dependence and dread.

Regarding Our Conversation
Declassified email on June 21, 2004 to Pentagon investigators outlining the techniques Military Training Teams brought to Abu Ghraib in October 2003.

Testing and Use of Chemical / Biological Agents by the Intelligence Community
This report, prepared for Congress by the Church Committee, greatly expanded on the findings of the Rockefeller Commission.

Go to Michael's website to read more, including his excellent commentary on recent news on the front of the fight against torture.

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